Bra semi-soft light beige SF Prototype No.15
- Semi soft bra in pearl beige colour in SF cut
A completely valuable product. It just didn't go into production.
Don't you have confidence in unpadded bras? ...
Do you dislike padded bras as they seem too thick, still you would like the effect they give but without padding? ...
This is the style for you then!
Let me introduce the new SF style.
SF standing for Semi-soFt.
The name of the bra in loose translation means "Plain Beige One".
It is a semi-padded bra with a higher bridge ideal for medium neckline.
It gathers the breasts in a way they do not stick outside the contour of the body.
Lifts the bust giving it a rounded shape.
The bottom of the cups is made of shiny stable knitwear, a bit firmed up in a special technological process, gathering and lifting the bust up as well as holding it at the right level.
The tops of the cups are made of double-layered elastic tulle adjusting to the shape of breasts, even if asymmetrical :).
The straps can wrinkle-up vertically, which is a result of the firming-up process and does not constitute a fault of the product.
The bra is designed for women who prefer fuller coverage, the cups go round the breasts keeping them in place.
Perfect for soft and less firm breasts.
Fully-adjustable straps, decorated with small buttons.
The center gore comes with smooth finishing and a button as well.
Standard band.
The width of the band, the coverage, the straps and the height of the bridge are adjusted to the bra size.
Sizing in SF style is comparable to BM style, meaning they feature a bit bigger cup volume than padded bras and you might need to size down.
If in doubt about the size, try the smaller one.